Q: Who are you?
A: I am a Trini who likes doubles for breakfast, loves nothing better than a holiday, dances to soca and is always having a good time. You know, nothing like the stereotype.
Q: Why did you start this blog?
A: Why do you think I started this blog? Could it be because T&T is so full of exciting adventures and breath taking sites, yet most of us who live here are unaware? Nah, it couldn't be. Of course I started this blog to raise awareness of cats.
Q: Are you always this sarcastic?
A: Nooooo...not always...
There! Well, what more could you possibly want to know? Ohhh, you want to know about actual things to do in Trinidad, and here I am, rambling on about doubles, soca, adventure and politics (minus the politics). Well if you're a local looking to discover your country, or a visitor (hey you! Welcome to Trinidad!), then read on to find what adventures await.
PS: I'm not just gonna tell you about these activities and then leave you in the dark as to how to actually go about doing them. No, that would be selfish of me if I kept all the fun wouldn't it? Yes it would, so don't you worry. I may be sarcastic, but I'm not selfish (most times...when necessary...in situations that don't involve food...or money...or any other thing that I don't want to/shouldn't have to share with you...like air)
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